April 12, 2011

Developing respect for the materials, and for the teacher

Once you have selected a mentor, guide or coach and have committed to a specific learning program or path, as discussed in the previous post, it is essential that you develop respect for the materials, and for the teacher.

Most of us have great difficulty proceeding with learning when we hold negative views about the teacher or about the materials. We may judge our teacher or mentor’s character, their background, their credentials, their manner of speech, their appearance or in fact anything about the teacher that we may perceive as unpleasant.

To build your capability as a learner, try to listen or read with the deepest possible respect, however the teacher or the materials may appear. In Five Sets on the Spiritual Grounds, the great Buddhist master Asanga advises students to practice the following five “inattentivenesses” whenever we listen to teachings. We should strive to be inattentive to:
  • Character faults or lack of moral discipline
  • Low social standing, social class or education
  • Unattractive physical appearance
  • Unpleasant words
  • Displeasing manner of speech, use of language, or presentation
In other words Asanga is advising us to turn our attention away from a teacher’s faults, or anything about the teacher or teachings that may seem unpleasant, and instead focus on the essence of the advice the coach, mentor or teacher offers. 

Developing respect does not however mean that you turn yourself into an unquestioning automaton! It makes more sense to maintain a questioning mind, seek clarification, and then put the teachings, requests or suggestions into practice.

At this point you may doubt this advice. You might think, “Yes but what if I develop a strong sense, for example, that the teacher is ineffective, or that the materials are not right for me?”
Remember first that these obstacles are arising in your mind. It may be that you have had similar unpleasant experiences in the past, for example, or that you may hold some views very firmly that are incompatible with the ideas being presented.

If you have chosen your mentor, coach or teacher carefully, and have made a commitment to the learning or training program, I would strongly recommend sticking with it and exploring the materials for as long as you can.

In any case, I would recommend not making too hasty a judgment and giving yourself time to develop a balanced sense of the mentor and his or her methods. You may want to attend several classes in the case of a long course or study program before coming to any firm conclusion about the teacher, or the materials.

Next: another in the steps to becoming a great learner – generating deep curiosity.

-David Luke, Senior Consultant at FocusFit (2007) Inc.

© 2011 D. G. Luke and FocusFit (2007) Inc.

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